Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'll probably regret this....but i stand behind it

What up?? Lets get this out of the way first...I love tattoos...i have 4 and i have 2 more in line and a lifetime of ink-filled needles penetrating my skin ahead of me...i have tattoos that some people would call stupid and feel the need to tell me that im going to regret it when im older..and to that i are not tattoos mean something to me that you might never understand. Which is why i titled this blog "i'll probably regret this" because the same goes for anybody with a tattoo...and im about to rip a certain popular tattoo to shreds....which leads me to my think...

Think #2

"Only God Can Judge Me" tattoos...lets be realistic here. If you don't have this tattoo(and in some cases even if you do) when you see this rediculous statement permanently inscribed onto somebody's skin the first thing that comes to your mind is "STUPID!"....don't deny it.

I point this out because having this not only outlandish but 100% FALSE statement on you forever is ASKING TO BE JUDGED!! Now dont get me wrong i get it. but its still stupid...what it should say is "I Only Care What God Thinks About Me" Because lets be frank....everybody judges everybody...even people with that that raises this question.. what makes you think you are so special that of the billions of people in the world there is only 1 person, spirit, mythical creature that can in fact judge you?? So here is what im going to going to pretend im a judge. Call me Judge Rudy. My verdict is.....get that tattoo covered up....and quick!! You'll regret it one me, im a judge.

Thanks for tuning in.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First Blog


Up until about 7:25 a.m. this morning when I was getting ready for work I thought "blogging" was REALLY stupid. But I was inspired by a 14 year old named "Diggy" Simmons. Yes, Rev Run's son. I figure people should care what I'm doing as much as they care about what he is doing. So here is a little about myself.....My name is Ryan. I have lived in New Jersey for my entire life. I have a girlfriend named Brittany (she doesn't want me to have a blog) who is my best friend. I think I am a pretty responsible person...I work full-time, go to school full-time and maintain an active lifestyle....kind of. of my ideas for this blog was to update everybody on what I am going to call "My Daily Think" so here it is....

Think #1 (8-11-09)

What is wrong with people!?!?!?

Yesterday after a very delicious dinner at T.G.I.Fridays (shout out to my step-bro Kevin who waited on us) with Brittany(<3) some girl stopped us and said "do you guys know which way the bus goes to paterson" which my imediate response( that i didnt say out loud) was "probably in the same direction as the town". Turns out not saying that out loud was the BIGGEST mistake i would make all night. Had i been sarcastic maybe i would have made this girl angry and maybe she would have slapped me or punched me..or even better..WALKED AWAY...but instead me and Brittany(<3) being the kind sumeritans that we are explained to her that we weren't from the area and told her what town we live which she responded "oh i live there too...right up the block from Corrados(a supermarket in our town)." So Brittany (<3) looked at me to ask if i knew where Corrados was and i sed "yeah right by Evans house(my cousin)" BIGGG MISTAKE...this girl claimed she knew Evan!! and that there too were cousins!! so my first thought i just discovered a new family member...NOT!! this girl was a fake...but there is i let her hitch a ride with us and i followed her directions home because i assumed she would know how to get home from her job better than i would (oh yeah i fergot to mention she also worked at fridays). So im following her directions and i quickly notice that she isn't bringing me to we are in the ghetto.....when i say that this girl didnt shut her mouth for 2 seconds...i am not exaggerating! While she was rambling on and on about whatever she was saying she mentioned that Evan was not her cousin, but "like" her cousin. So this girl has me drop her off in the heart of the ghetto and gives me some HORRIBLE directions out of there. This girl could have killed wasn't until i got her out of the car that anybody was informed of the situation. When i called Evan to tell him what had just happened i found out that she is just some lout mouth girl that lives across the street from him that not only does he not like..but he avoids at all costs...

Skip to the ending MY COUSIN Evan gave me some solid directions on how to get home an i made it home safe and sound. But what if this girl killed us? Up until after i dropped her off and called Evan to tell him what had just happened nobody knew that we offered a stranger a ride was like something out of a movie!!

If you are going to learn anything from me today...let it be this...Listen to your mothers when they tell you not to talk to strangers..and if you do....BE SARCASTIC!!!

Thanks for tuning in ;-)